Attention: Money 101 will no longer be available after May 31, 2021. After that time the Enrich financial literacy tool will be available at moving forward.

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Nearly 1 in 3 Americans say
they have at some point felt that their
financial situation was out of control.

- Pew Research Center

It's All About Balance

More than ¾ of students wish
they had more help preparing for their
financial future.

- Hartford Financial Services

Your Financial Head & Heart

93% of careers require education beyond high school.

- ONET Online

More Opportunity is Just a Degree Away

It's All About BalanceYour Financial Head & HeartMore Opportunity is Just a Degree Away

Welcome to Money 101...

Money 101 was created by the Colorado Department of Higher Education. We’re pleased to provide free financial education tools, including some information on saving and paying for college. For comprehensive financial aid information including a scholarship finder, aid estimator and financial aid 101 step-by-step assistance, visit Financial Aid Planning.

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Although you’re always welcome to use our financial tools and resources as a guest, when you register, your work is saved, and your experience is personalized.

Start improving your financial IQ today... browse through our website,  take an online class, use one of our calculators, watch a video, or starting filling in one of our budgeting worksheets…we’ve created these great resources just for you!

Financial Education

We offer some of the best financial literacy curriculum, designed for teens, college students, and adults. We’ve also compiled some wonderful tools to teach you about personal finances and help you with money management. These free resources include:

Students – Understanding personal finances is important both now and down the road, particularly if you want to prepare financially for college. Money 101 can help you set goals to build the life you want. We’ll show you how to find and earn money for college, as well as manage money while you’re attending school. What are you waiting for? Get started preparing for the life you want...

Parents and Families – Financial know-how is one of the most important gifts we can give – yet, many families don’t feel that they have the tools or knowledge to talk about money. These financial lessons are simple and empowering, designed to share with your children. Are you ready to help your children manage their money in a healthier way? Get started on a new approach to personal finances...

Schools and Organizations – We’re pleased to partner with schools, groups, and organizations to help promote financial literacy in Colorado. We offer free access to our financial curriculum (including online classes, seminars, and videos). And we’ve even developed professional tools to help teachers, counselors, mentors, and group leaders view and monitor students success. Learn more about how we can work together to promote financial literacy in Colorado...

Get started today!

Register Now

Although you’re always welcome to use our financial tools and resources as a guest, when you register, your work is saved, and your experience is personalized. 

Start improving your financial IQ today... browse through our website, take an online class, use one of our calculators, watch a video, or starting filling in one of our budgeting worksheets…we’ve created these great resources just for you!

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